was a real pleasure to be the juror for VASEFINDER 2006. .....
'love of clay...and love of glazes.." "feel the soft clay in your hands.."
etc if loving the material will in some way guarantee a fine product.
It doesnt work that way.! clay is basically the material we have chosen
to convey our idea. That idea exists in the vessel, not in the clay. That
can be a confusing issue, but a fun one to tackle! Technique, well experienced
and rendered, produces a fine product as easily as it digs the rut! Form,
shape, function,history,aesthetics,balance,energy....(whatever floats your
boat)....are the strengths that bring your ideas to life for others to see and
feel. As juror, you look into the mirror of your own convictions as each slide
passes by. That mystery of engagement then, occurs in some but not many pieces.
And sadly,.... too often good works are compromised by the quality of the
slide. And so...WHAT
A WEEK!....and what a great contribution to our world...courtesy of c. blim
and vasefinder.!
Farrell |